What is Laser Mole Removal?
People have few options when it comes to mole removal. The most common methods for excising moles (also called nevi) are surgery and cauterization. Both of these procedures can usually be done on an outpatient basis in a doctor’s office using local anesthesia. However, there is the potential for scarring, particularly if the mole is large and has deep roots.
Those looking for an easier way to remove moles without the possibility of scarring may wonder if laser mole removal is the answer to their problem. Mole removal laser surgery is a viable option for dealing with bothersome nevi, but only in certain situations. Here is a brief guide to laser mole removal to help you determine if this procedure is right for you.
Laser Mole Removal Procedure
Removing a mole using a laser involves numbing the area using local anesthesia. Afterwards, a laser is used to excise the pigmentation in the mole. The pigment is then cleared away by the body’s natural healing processes. A scab forms over the mole which eventually falls away.
The area may turn darker for a few days after the procedure. However, this can be covered up by cosmetics. Patients should avoid exposing the area to sunlight for at least six weeks and use sunscreen when they are outside.
The procedure is generally safe and the risk of scarring is minimal (about 1 percent). Whether or not it is painful depends a lot on the patient’s pain threshold. Some people report feeling a slight tingling during the procedure that feels like someone is snapping a rubber band against their skin.
Advantages of Laser Mole Removal
- Lasers is also able to reach areas of the body such as the face or nose that may be difficult to treat using other methods. Lastly, multiple moles can be treated during one session.