Wart Removal
Warts are viral growths that can be formed anywhere on the skin, but their most common sites are hands, plantae, face and neck. It is proved that the cause of their appearance is HPV, human papillomavirus, which has more than 100 species, many of which contribute to the malignization of growths. Therefore we cannot trifle with the appearance of any growths on our body, be sure to consult a dermatologist to determine the exact diagnosis, the type and nature of the growth, and to differentiate it from other skin damages. In this article you will learn how to get rid of warts on hands, how to treat and remove these growths on the skin.
How Hand Warts are Transmitted and Why They Appear?
Why do warts on hands and fingers appear? What are the causes of them, how are they transmitted? Almost 20% of adolescents and children at least once had contact with warts among their environment and 10% of them face this disease at different ages. Infection with different types of papillomavirus is very easy given the presence of micro traumas on the skin:
- directly through direct contact of the affected skin with the healthy one;
- and by household way – through clothing, personal hygiene products, household items etc.
Hand and plantar warts are caused by the following HPV types: 1-5, 49, 57, 19-24, 26 -29, 1, 12, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19. The incubation period of those virus types is 2-6 months. However, even in case of infection with the papillomavirus, a strong and healthy body easily stop its proliferation and progression, so the main cause of appearance of warts on the skin of children and adults is reduction of the body defenses – malnutrition, prolonged stress, hormonal disorders, fatigue, negative external effects such as radiation, chemical emissions of industrial cities, bad food and other factors.
The virus is transmitted most rapidly in areas with warm and humid air, therefore saunas, swimming pools, spas, sports, and gyms are the most frequent sites of infection transmission.
Laser Wart Removal
At times, foot corn removal surgery will require a forefoot reconstruction to be carried out. In such cases, the surgery is complex and meant to correct severe deformity. It involves cutting bones and re positioning them. A complex re-balancing of soft tissues and tendons is required as well.